The Swiss capacity allocation body TVS is a federal not-for-profit entity under public law with a sepa-rate legal personality.
We are independent and customer-driven. Our guiding principles are neutrality, quality and efficiency.
Here you'll find details of our Board of Directors and Executive Board and an organisation chart of the TVS.
The Board of Directors sets the strategic goals of the TVS every four years.
Here you can find out more about the work the TVS undertakes for the various parts of the rail network.
In addition to other tasks delegated to us, the TVS carries out the infrastructure management work needed to ensure that trains can access the rail network. This is explained in more detail here.
The timetable is generated by the train path design. The TVS is responsible for timetabling and participates in every phase of the timetabling process.
Use of the track network is based on a request or an order and the allocation of rights of use. The TVS accepts orders and allocates train paths and ancillary services.
Rail freight corridors are an important part of Switzerland’s policy of transferring freight from road to rail. The main role of the TVS here is in helping to coordinate available capacity and providing the framework conditions.
In accordance with Article 15f of the Railways Ordinance (EBV), the TVS keeps a register of the information required to operate on the rail infrastructure.
A charge is levied for use of the railway infrastructure. The TVS is responsible for ensuring that the services consumed by train path users are recorded and invoiced in a non-discriminatory manner.
The investment plans of the infrastructure managers state how they intend to undertake and fund the maintenance and expansion of their infrastructure in the future.
TVS collaborates with various European infrastructure-manager institutions and bodies to the extent that this is of benefit to the various duties it carries out and services it provides.
As a company in the rail infrastructure sector, the TVS plays an active role in Swiss rail industry bodies.
The glossary explains some of the specialist terminology the TVS uses in its work.
Here you'll find general information about the TVS as well as an introduction to the topic of railway network access.
Overland Transport Agreement - Agreement of 21 June 1999 between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on the Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Rail and Road 0.740.72
Railways Act 742.101
Ordinance on the Construction and Operation of Railways 742.141.1
Rail Network Access Ordinance (RailNAO) 742.122
FOT Ordinance to the Rail Network Access Ordinance (RNAO-FOT) 742.122.4
Explanatory notes published by the FOT regarding the changes to RNAO-FOT that came into effect on 1.1.2017 in connection with the introduction of network usage concepts (NUCs) and network usage plans (NUPs) (german)
FOT guidelines on requesting network access permits, safety certificates and safety authorisations
Train Path Allocation Body Ordinance (TVSV) 742.123
Ordinance on the Personnel of the TVS (PVO-TVS) 742.101.21
Code of conduct of the TVS
Swiss railway network in the responsibility of the TVS
Web map infrastructure managers (source SBB)
Dates and deadlines for the timetabling and path ordering procedure
Timetable Updates (JUP) 2025
Timetable Updates (JUP) 2026
List of deadlines for holidays 2025
List of deadlines for holidays 2026
EU Directive 91/440 (as of 29.7.1991)
EU Directive 95/18
EU Directive 95/19
EU Regulation 913/2010
EU Directive 2012/34
Rhine-Alpine corridor
Information sheet Rhine-Alpine corridor
North Sea-Mediterranean corridor
Information sheet North Sea-Mediterranean corridor
Terminals for combined transport
BLS: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
CJ: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
ETB: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
OeBB: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
SBB: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
SOB: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
ST: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
SZU: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
TMR: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
tpf: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
transN: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
Travys: TVS mandate for timetable elaboration
BLS/HBS/SBB/SOB/STB: Network Statement
OeBB: Network Statement
ST: Network Statement
SZU: Network Statement
TMR: Network Statement
tpf: Network Statement
TRAVYS: Network Statement
transN: Network Statement
General application of the regulations listet in the Network Statements chapter 4, timetable period 2025
BLS/HBS/SBB/SOB/STB: List of Infrastructure Services
CJ: List of Infrastructure Services
ETB: List of Infrastructure Services
OeBB: List of Infrastructure Services
SZU: List of Infrastructure Services
TMR: List of Infrastructure Services
tpf: List of Infrastructure Services
TRAVYS: List of Infrastructure Services
Network usage plans
Remaining capacity Gotthard
Remaining capacity Lötschberg
Path catalogue Lötschberg timetable 2026
Path catalogue Gotthard timetable 2026
SBB, BLS, SOB: Form for ordering ancillary services 2025
CJ, ETB, HSB, OeBB, STB, ST, SZU, TMR, tpf, Travys, transN: Form for ordering ancillary services 2024/2025
Overview of the use of free loading facilities 2025
Regulations for border (interchange) stations
Investment plans
Timetables in PDF
Train graphs
Swiss register of railway infrastructure