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The tasks of the TVS

The tasks of an independent capacity allocation body are defined by the bilateral Overland Transport Agreement with the EU. By signing this agreement, Switzerland undertook to adopt the first EU railway package and to develop equivalent legislation in this area in the future.

The first EU railway package is based on the principle that for competition under open network access conditions to function correctly, all market operators must enjoy the same conditions of access.

For this reason and because of the model that predominates in Switzerland, which is one of an integrated rail network with its own railway undertakings (RUs), all the essential functions required for network access should be provided by an independent capacity allocation body. These essential functions are train path planning (timetabling) and train path allocation.

According to the first EU railway package, the setting and collecting of the track access charges (train path price) are also functions essential to network access. Because the train path price system in Switzerland is set by the federal government, the Federal Council has elected to delegate to TVS only the collecting of the track access charges.

In addition to these activities, the federal government has delegated other tasks to the TVS: keeping the railway infrastructure register and publishing investment plans. The FOT’s delegation of the keeping of the railway infrastructure register to the TVS improves governance because it keeps the role of issuing the guidelines for keeping the register (FOT) separate from the operational management of the register (TVS).

TVS briefly explained

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