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Legal form and ownership

The Swiss capacity allocation body TVS is a federal not-for-profit entity under public law with a separate legal personality. It is independently organised and run and keeps its own accounts. It is owned by the Swiss federal government and administratively assigned to the Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC).

The TVS began operating on 1 January 2021 as the successor organisation of Trasse Schweiz AG, which was jointly owned in equal shares by SBB, BLS, Schweizerische Südostbahn (SOB) and the Swiss Public Transport Association (VöV). The staff of Trasse Schweiz AG were taken on by the TVS. This change in ownership, carried out as part of the Organisation of Rail Infrastructure project, further strengthens the independence of the capacity allocation body.

Board of directors

The members of the board of directors are responsible for managing the TVS as a business. The board has extensive experience and knowledge in the fields of corporate governance, railway engineering, transport legislation as well as of the Swiss federal administration. The duties of the board of directors are set out in Article 9i of the Railways Act (EBG).


  • Alexander Stüssi, Chair
  • Claudio Blotti, Member
  • Claudia Demel, Member
  • Corinne Ribeli, Member
  • Emilie Brandt, Member

Senior management and employees

The TVS currently employs a staff of 15 experienced professionals, who have acquired the necessary expertise in previous posts with a variety of rail industry organisations.



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